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Lash Lift & Brow Lamination After-care
Don't get them wet or put any make-up on them for the first 24 hours.
Don't play with your lashes or brows for 24 hours, as they are still setting into place.
Do keep moisturized and nourished with oil of your choice or with our Perfecting After-care Kit available for purchase.
Avoid contact with tanning beds, direct sunlight, saunas, steam rooms and swimming pools for the next 48 hours.
Lash Extension After-care
Avoid getting lashes wet for at least 6 hours.
Do not rub, pick, or touch your eye lashes.
Clean with eyelashes with oil-free foam cleanser everyday.
Brush through your eyelashes gently in the morning.
Do not use oil based products around or on the eyes.
Do not sleep on your face.
Schedule regular fills to maintain desired look.
Get extensions removed by a professional.
Teeth Whitening After-care
Avoid drinks that leave dark stains such as coffee, red wine, fruit juice, dark sodas, beer, and black tea.
Avoid foods that leave dark stains such as soy sauce, cured meats, chocolate, and any kind of fruit.
No smoking for the first 24 hours, although limited use of e-cigarettes is ok.
Avoid coloured toothpaste and mouthwashes, for example, red or blue.